Highlands North Johannesburg

What is the settings on a multiport?

Settings on a Multiport


When you are still learning about your swimming pool it can be a nightmare especially when you wondering what are the settings on a multiport? Relax we here to assist you.

So first things first always remember the 2 key things here

  1. Always remember to turn the pump off before changing the settings
  2.  Never ever turn the dial anti clockwise as this will damage the mpv wagon wheel seal

So looking at a multiport you will have the following settings depending on which way its been installed but most commonly:

settings on a multiport


12 o’clock Filter – This means the pools water get sucked from the weir through the multiport into the sand filter and gets clarified through the sand and back into the pool through the return

2 o’clock Waste – This setting is usually only used if your pool is sitting higher than the pumps level and you wanting to drain the pool, or if you have a lot of debris at the bottom of the pool and do not want it to pass through your sand then you would use a vacuum and vacuum it straight out the pools backwash line.

4 o’clock Closed – If your pool level is higher than the pumps level and you do not have a ball valve to shut off the water you would use closed. Please always remember never to run the pump on this setting as your pipes will literally suck in and explode

6 o’clock Backwash – The sand in a filter acts like a filter but in order to clean the sand you need to run a backwash

8 o’clock Bypass – This means water does not pass through the sand filter, it just circulates the same water in the pool. This is usually used when you have a problem on the sand filter and are waiting for parts or if you wanting to change the sand but do not have the budget to do so.

10 o’clock Rinse – Once all the debris has been passed through the sand one will need to run a rinse cycle in order for the water to be clear coming back in the pool

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