Highlands North Johannesburg

Best product to resurface a fiberglass pool?

What is the best product to resurface a fiberglass pool?


I have been in the pool industry for many years now and one thing I have always said is ” Quality over Quantity always when you resurface a fiberglass pool”

By this I mean I have seen many pools in Gauteng where either the owners were just trying to look for a quick fix to sell or the contractor tried to save cost and buy the cheapest products on the market such as 100g fiberglass matt instead of 450g fiberglass matt.

There is also 2 types of resin which are on the market these are Orthophthalic polyester resin and isophthalic polyester resin, An Orthophthalic polyester resin is less expensive than isophthalic polyester resin, but, in turn has a lower mechanical strength and chemical resistance. So many contractors will go for this to save a good R400 when they resurface a fiberglass pool but you can imagine what happens after a year or so of having the pool done.


resurface a fiberglass pool

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