Highlands North Johannesburg

Where can a swimming pool leak?

Swimming Pool Leak

Having a swimming pool leak is frustrating especially when you do not know where it is.

The most common pool leaks will almost always start on the pvc pipe joins, threaded fittings, the weir/skimmer, return jets, mpv seal and light housing.

In this case the water level is normaly quite a drastic drop at first and then it will slow down and stop  just below the suspected place where the leak is.

If the leak is not found at any of these places then it could be on the actual pools surface.

It could be a crack at the bottom of the pool, on the walls or behind the mosaic tiles. In this case the water level would drop extremely quick, and will occur usually when the pool is running or when it is turned off.

Another place which is also common is the weir / skimmer or MPV wagon wheel gasket.

When in doubt call a professional 





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