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Saltwater pool vs chlorine pool

Saltwater vs. Chlorine Pool

A saltwater pool is a good alternative to a chlorine pool. Weigh up the pros and cons before making the choice.


The Difference Between Saltwater and Chlorine Pools

The water in a normal chlorine pool must be sampled and balanced with liquid, granular or tablet form chlorine. Alkalinity, pH and calcium hardness must be adjusted as well. Saltwater pools require the same chemicals except chlorine, although you may need to shock a saltwater pool once in a while as it does turn green if not observed.

Instead of relying on store-bought chlorine, saltwater pools create their own through electrolysis. You add pool grade salt to a chlorinator and as it runs the salty water through two electrically charged plates, it converts it to chlorine. The pool water is still sanitized with chlorine, but the process differs from that of a chlorine pool.

Although each style of pool is sanitized with the same substance, the chlorine in a saltwater pool may be different than what you’re used to experiencing.

Advantages of Saltwater Pools vs. Chlorine Pools

There are pros and cons to each style of pool water, so let’s go over the pros.


Saltwater pools

  • The cost of day-to-day operations is cheaper.
  • The lighter load of chlorine is gentler on skin, eyes, swimsuits, hair and more.
  • Many people dislike the smell of chlorine pools. Saltwater pools don’t have the same chemical-heavy scent.
  • Much more Hygienic


Chlorine pools

  • If you already have a chlorine pool, it may be cheaper to leave it as-is. Converting to saltwater can cost between R7000 and R65 000 depending on pool size.
  • Some people enjoy the smell of HTH


Disadvantages of Each System

Both of these pool types also come with cons.


Saltwater pools

  • The salt can speed up erosion of the pool.
  • Salt chlorine chlorinators need to be checked and cleaned regularly. The chlorinator is one more mechanical piece that can break or need replacing which is almost 100% guaranteed  particularly before selling your house.
  • It will not produce chlorine in water colder than 60 degrees.


Chlorine pools

  • They can cause dry skin, red eyes, bleached swimwear and irritated noses, throats or lungs.
  • You must keep chlorine products on hand, which cost more than pool grade salt.
  • Chloramines may cause a strong “chlorine” smell, especially if you have an indoor pool.

Neither saltwater chlorinator nor traditional chlorine is technically better, for both are effective methods of sanitization. But saltwater and natural pools are often preferable among people with sensitive skin, allergies or asthma.

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